Saturday, September 1, 2007

For many times I have been dreaming of this wummins! We are now together at the beach in Cauliflowornia doing the Kimkins and have sexy time! Seeing as you can in my picture I have lost some fats which makes me a "stuff muffin" my Kimmerkins calls me. No wait, she is hear saying mistake Borat! Oh, I see.. "stud muffin." I would be so lost without her, you see? We are for to be married soon. She does not know that I have the marriage bag with me in my suit of case! There is but slightly one problem. Since eating on the Kimkins, jello has filled in my arms and I cannot lift more than my socks. I have not the energy to make sexy love all night. I distress about this but I will try, how do you say, exorcise? to be strong! I must go. Kimmerkins, she beckons me for to swim again. (I am able to play lifty-lifty games in the water where she is weighing but a fly!)