Sunday, October 7, 2007

i greet you

i vasily. i new owner. i greet you all. i have many photo borat and heidi. i like.


Anonymous said...

You're and idiot and a crack up!! I love it. Are you going to reveal your new identity, or are you off to Mexico like Heidi???

Anonymous said...

you, anonymouse person, you call me broken up buffoon? borat he tell you my indentify, i step uncle vasily.

i not know mexico, but know near village called makhekzo. if heidi off to makhekzo as you say, i let borat know so he can have jiggy with her.

OhYeahBabe said...

Hallo Borat! Say no to Kimkins!!

Stop the fraud! If you were a member of Kimkins, join the Kimkins diet lawsuit! Here is how to join the Kimkins lawsuit. It's easy!